Southaven center taking the pain away
You may have heard or said the phrase, “pain in the neck,” or elsewhere for that matter, but when pain becomes a reality instead of a comparative phrase, the MidSouth Pain Treatment Center in Southaven is ready to take the pain away.
You may have at one time heard of the DeSoto Pain Treatment Center, but with an expanded scope and outreach to other areas of North Mississippi and West Tennessee, the facility has taken on the name, MidSouth Pain Treatment Center.
Southaven is just one of now five locations, according to representative Cathy Brooks.
“We are in Oxford, we are in Southaven, Germantown (Tenn.), Cordova (Tenn.) and in Jackson, Tenn,” Brooks said. “We cover several areas to deal with chronic pain for patients and they have better lives, get out with their kids and play with their grandkids. You can’t imagine how grateful they are to have their lives improved.”
Dr. Michael Steuer, president and owner of MidSouth Pain Treatment Center, believes the work the clinic and surgery center in Southaven, as well as the other locations, serve an important service to their communities.
“We treat patients who come from all parts of North Mississippi to access our services in treating chronic pain,” Steuer said. “Primarily low back pain, neck pain and headache pain. We treat cancer pain and we treat some rare neurological diseases that cause pain. The majority of what we do is low back pain and a lot of people don’t really realize that there are other treatments that can be used for this kind of pain without using narcotic medications.”
A clinic and surgery center is situated in Southaven. A surgery center is in Germantown, Tenn., while the Oxford, Cordova and Jackson, Tenn. locations are pain clinics.
The clinic’s website points out that about 80 percent of Americans suffer from some sort of back pain, the reasons for which can range from arthritis of the spine, degenerative disc disease, sacroiliitis or radiculopathy.
Doctors provide an assessment and offer treatment, which Steuer said many times may involve a nerve block to focus on the area where the pain is coming from and block or kill the nerve to alleviate the pain.
Steuer also complimented the clinic’s staff for what he feels is important work.
“We all work together as a team to try to keep our patients’ pain under good control so that we can not only just make them feel better, but we can also get their lives better,” Steuer said. “Some of these people have some of the most pathetic lifestyles because of the limitations that they have with pain that they experience from day to day, minute to minute, hour to hour. It’s very gratifying that we are able to help these patients.”
The MidSouth Pain Treatment Center is open Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. More information is available at the center’s website, If you would like to discuss more of this, contact us today to find a Midsouth Pain Treatment Center branch near you in Tennessee or Mississippi.
Bob Bakken is Staff Writer and may be reached at 662-429-6397 ext. 240.