More than 31 million Americans suffer from low back pain and nearly 8 out 10 Americans will experience some sort of back problems at some point during their lives, according to the American Chiropractic Association. Back pain can affect people of all ages from adolescents to the golden years. It’s the third most common reason for doctor's visits that often lead to a referral to a pain treatment center. It's also the leading cause of disability worldwide, which is why it is so important to take measures to prevent or relieve back pain episodes the moment you notice there's a problem.
With the help of a well-respected pain treatment center, you can better manage your pain and reduce the frequency of your back pain episodes. Let's discuss the most common causes and symptoms of back pain and what you can do if you're experiencing any of the symptoms below, as well as whether you should seek the help of pain specialists that provide high-quality patient care.
Causes of Back Pain
Back pain can be caused by a number of things, some of which include arthritis of the spine, radiculopathy, sacroiliitis, bulging discs and degenerative disk disease, among other things. Back pain affects everyone – even kids and teenagers, but certain risk factors make you more susceptible to back pain. These factors include:
- Smoking. Smoking reduces blood flow to the spine, which can prevent nutrients from reaching the disks in your back, causing pain in your spine.
- Excess Weight. Extra weight can put more of a strain on your back, causing problems with it over time.
- Age. As you age, back pain becomes more common, beginning at about age 30.
- Psychological Conditions. People at risk of anxiety and depression have an increased risk of developing back pain.
- Diseases. Cancer and certain types of arthritis can cause extra strain on your back.
- Lack of Exercise. If the muscles in your abdomen and back continue to go unused, they become weak and can lead to back pain down the road.
- Incorrect Lifting. Lifting heavy objects, lifting incorrectly (using your back instead of your legs) can lead to back pain.
Back pain can also be caused by fractures from falls, strains, car accidents, and muscle sprains.

When to Visit a Pain Treatment Center: Signs and Symptoms That Something's Wrong
If you have any of the following symptoms, you should probably seek the advice of a medical professional at a specialized pain treatment center:
- Pain that improves when you recline
- Pain that radiates down your leg
- Shooting or stabbing pain
- Pain that gets worse when walking, lifting, bending, or standing
In certain rare cases, back pain can be a sign of a serious medical condition. You should get immediate medical attention if your back pain:
- Comes with a fever
- Comes after a blow to the back, serious fall, or another injury
- Causes new bladder or bowel issues
What People in Memphis, TN Are Doing to Cure Their Back Pain
Short-Term Fixes. When it comes to back pain relief, there are several things you can do to combat it. Some of the smaller things you could do include fixing your posture (and avoiding slouching). If you have to stand up for long periods of time, keep a footstool with you so you can put one foot up occasionally and lean forward slightly. You can also take better care when lifting by avoiding twisting at the same time or avoiding lifting heavy objects altogether. Also, changing positions every so often – at least every half hour – can help relieve the strain on your back as well. Additionally, you might consider taking over-the-counter pain relief and anti-inflammatory medications to help with symptoms.
Exercising. Another way to reduce back pain is by participating in low-impact aerobic exercises on a regular basis – any kind that doesn't put a strain on your back or jolt it. Swimming and walking are great choices for those who suffer from back pain because it allows you to increase your strength and endurance and improve muscle function. In addition to doing aerobic exercises, you'll also want to work on keeping your body at a healthy weight. A medical professional can help you determine what that weight is and, if you're overweight, help you figure out a way to lose the weight in a practical way so that your health is not adversely affected.
Seeking The Help of Pain Specialists. If short term fixes or exercising doesn't seem to be doing the trick and you need a more robust approach to pain management, there's no shame in seeking the help of pain specialists who can guide you through all of your options. That way, you'll be more knowledgeable and better equipped to make an informed decision about what's best for you. Medical professionals at a pain treatment center near you can help you create a personalized plan to tackle your back pain head-on and reduce or eliminate the reoccurrence of it in the future.

Next Steps: Visiting MidSouth Pain Treatment Center
If you're serious about getting help for your back pain, contact MidSouth Pain Treatment Center. Here, you'll find minimally invasive and highly effective interventional pain management options for treating all kinds of back pain. Our team of expert medical providers at MidSouth Pain Treatment Center can create a customized treatment plan that's just right for you. Our approach to pain management is to assist you in identifying the source of your pain, reducing your overall pain levels, and improving your quality of life with innovative treatments like HF10 Therapy, a paresthesia-free spinal cord stimulation treatment that's been shown to deliver excellent pain relief.
At MidSouth Pain Treatment Center, we specialize in cutting-edge technology helping to treat chronic conditions of the spine. After we complete a thorough examination, our team of medical professionals can get you started on the path to a pain-free life. We're here to help you get control of your back pain so that you can focus on more important things rather than being consumed by back pain.