Have you ever noticed that some people have back dimples, those small impressions in the lower back, while others don’t? While many factors determine whether a person has visible back dimples, we all have the joints that create them. They’re called the sacroiliac joints and are where the spine and the hip connect. This crucial hinge point for the body ties together the upper and lower torso.
For people experiencing inflammation of their sacroiliac joints, they are a serious source of pain that decreases mobility and reduces the quality of life. While there are many potential causes of pain in this part of the body, it can often be the result of an inflammation of one or both of the sacroiliac joints, known as Sacroiliitis.
The medical professionals at MidSouth Pain Treatment Center in Memphis, TN can help diagnose your pain and offer treatment plans specific to your pain.
The Causes of Sacroiliitisons of Americans
Lower back pain is a major health issue today, with around 31 million Americans suffering from it at any given time, according to one study. With as many as 25-percent of cases of lower back pain being caused by Sacroiliitis, there are a range of other possible culprits that must be eliminated before treatment can begin. Everything from sprains, herniated or ruptured discs, pinched nerves, out of place vertebra, or arthritis can all cause lower back pain.
It can be hard for ordinary people or even some medical professionals to properly identify the cause or causes of such pains. Given the many possible factors, it is important to work with medical facilities that have the right experience, training, and equipment.
For those in and around Memphis, MidSouth Pain Treatment Center operates a number of facilities offering a wide continuum of care throughout the area, including locations in Cordova, Germantown, Jackson (TN), Tupelo, Oxford, and Southaven. Serving patients since it was founded by Dr. Michael Steuer in 1999, MidSouth Pain Treatment Center is the kind of specialized center best qualified to help you to figure out if that pain in your back is caused by Sacroiliitis.
The causes of Sacroiliitis
Once Sacroiliitis has been diagnosed by qualified professionals, determining the underlying cause of the inflammation can begin. Prior trauma can cause pain in the sacroiliac joint, everything from a hard fall on one’s tailbone, to a car accident, to twisting the wrong way or a range of other possible injuries. Some women experience it after or during pregnancy. Another common cause can be a prior surgery or bone graft harvest. Also, wear and tear from natural aging or repetitive movements over the years can be a contributing factor.
If one’s lower back pain gets notably worse when walking up stairs, getting up from a seated position or related motions, there’s a strong chance Sacroiliitis could be the culprit. The first step to finding the answer is to receive a proper diagnose of the underlying cause by consulting with a qualified professional.
Treatment Options for Sacroiliitis
The impact of Sacroiliitis on patients’ lives is substantial. A study from 2014 found the discomfort and disability caused by Sacroiliitis are on par with several serious varieties of osteoarthritis. The study also found it was only slightly less-disabling than Parkinson's Disease and Cirrhosis and was actually worse than mild heart failure and coronary heart disease. For those living daily with the pain and discomfort, Sacroiliitis is no laughing matter. Luckily, a variety of specialized centers, such as those operated by MidSouth, can help lessen and manage the pain.
There are a number of treatment options for Sacroiliitis. Typically, the first line of treatment will be medications, which could include powerful opioids such as oxycodone, muscle relaxants, and a variety of others. While these can serve to both treat the pain and reduce the swelling causing it, these drugs also can cloud a person’s thinking, impact their ability to drive and some are highly addictive. For some people, they work well and should be available, but that doesn't mean they don't come with caveats.
Chiropractors can also treat such conditions, as can acupuncture, massage, and a number of other alternative therapies. While these may offer immediate relief, their effects wear off quickly, they are expensive and they don’t offer a long term solution to the underlying cause.
To truly address the root cause of Sacroiliitis, patients need a customized treatment plan that uses multiple therapies driven by an accurate diagnosis. Regular x-rays or even MRIs, a test using a combination of magnetic fields and radio waves, may not be able to see the whole picture, as this region has a complex three-dimensional shape, in addition to dense layers of various kinds of tissue.
Pain treatment clinics like those operated by MidSouth Pain Treatment Center have specialized equipment that can be used to view one's sacroiliac joint and the surrounding areas. This equipment can also help guide instruments in real-time, such as during the injection of steroids directly into the spine or during the implantation of electrical stimulation devices, which can offer major relief for a number of painful conditions.
By combining traditional approaches and cutting edge therapies with physical therapy, the right non-opioid medications, and lifestyle modifications, patients can begin experiencing relief from their Sacroiliitis.
Take the First Step Towards Pain Relief Now
Sacroiliitis is serious. If you miss the days of running, walking or even just going upstairs without shooting pains and aches in your back and hips, then take the first step towards reclaiming your life and body.
Contact a qualified provider such as MidSouth Pain Treatment Center to schedule a consultation. There’s no need to suffer alone when a team of qualified professionals is just around the corner waiting to help you find relief.